Express yourself while social distancing.
Working with local manufacturer, who creates reusable masks that offers meaningful protection, not minimal protection.
1) Improved filtration efficiency
An in-built electrostatic filter by 3M was used, that has high efficiency for filtering 2.5 micron particles. The performance of its electrostatic charge is key to the performance. The high permanent electrostatic charge allows the fibres to better capture and hold sub-micron particles. They've also sewn a slot where you can insert additional filter for extra protection.
2) Water resistant 100% cotton fabric
Used for the outer layer to act as a physical barrier to protect the wearer from large droplets of body fluids.
3) Fitting
As some masks may leave gaps at the sides of your face, our masks are designed based on the contours of a human face shape, so that the sides are flushed nicely against the face. Our mask also comes with adjustable ear loops that can help narrow the gaps to offer higher surface area coverage. The adjustable ear loops also help to reduce ear fatigue (those who have worn masks for long hours would know what we mean).
Aesthetically, they have designed the mask shape to flatter the user’s facial shape by making it look slimmer and sharper. Take a closer look at the sides of the mask where they’ve added a double stitch line along the mid face region to add a cheek contouring effect.
To ensure that they produce our reusable masks in a hygienic and safe environment, safe distancing measures are put in place. Seamstresses will also be wearing masks, gloves as well as disinfected footwear at all times in the factory space.
Stay safe. Stay healthy.
(Photos extract from supplier)